Friday, November 1, 2013

Hi there everyone,
Sometimes things that are so simple can become so difficult, depending sometimes on one's mindset or the purpose of the task. Our capabilities are sometimes challenged by the expectations of our audience. We always feel the need to present ourselves as,smart, fearless and confident. That is a reasonable mind set, however, I think that we should start out as a learner to truly find our place. When we have found our place, then we will surely amaze ourselves of the awesomeness we possess.


  1. Hello Sherron,

    I totally agree with you as you mention above that sometimes things can be so simple but at the same times so complicated. In life sometimes our challenged have away of bringing what in us on the inside to become greater on the outside.The mindset of how you perceive different challenges will determine how you succeed. I was really inspired by your post
    Have a bless one! Temika Mccann

  2. Sherron,
    Sometimes we make the simplest things so complicated; many of us are always in a rush and we do not take the time to slow down and just wait. Our challenges may us stronger and help us become much wiser and better people. I try to work smarter not harder and make my life as simple as possible.

    1. Hi Danita
      I learnt a new phrase recently that says exactly what you are sharing with me, its; Keep It Short and Simple, KISS. I get very anxious when one task consumes so much of my time, me trying so hard to make it perfect. Then in the end it works out so well that I get annoyed with myself for spending time worrying.

  3. Hi Sherron,

    I do agree with that statement and because people are not really open to being honest-it makes them unapproachable at first. Everyone has had those moments. I know that I have but I never judge anyone because I do not like people to judge me. I know that I do not know everything and I enjoy learning from others- no matter how small the lesson.

    Please keep in touch anytime you feel like it.

    My blog is .. add me...:)
